Jul 25, 20223 min

How To Increase Your Blog Readership Through Pinterest Clickthroughs.

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

You’ve just written an amazing blog post, and you can’t wait to share it with the world. But once you hit "publish," you realize that getting people to actually read your work is going to be the real challenge. Luckily, there are a few blog tips you can try to help get your blog post in front of more eyeballs—and one of them is by utilizing Pinterest.

Why is Pinterest a powerful platform for bloggers to increase traffic?

Here's why: First, Pinterest is a visual platform, which means that it's ideal for promoting blog content. You can create eye-catching pins that will lead people to your blog posts.

And second, Pinterest is a highly searchable platform. This means that if you use the right keywords, your pins and blog posts will be more likely to show up in search results. That means more people will be able to find and read your content.

So if you're looking for ways to increase your blog readership, be sure to start using Pinterest. It's a powerful free platform that can help you reach new readers and grow your audience organically.

Blog tips to be successful on Pinterest.

As a visual platform, Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic to your blog. In order to make the most of this visual search engine, there are a few things you can do to ensure your blog is more successful on Pinterest.

First, make sure you have high-quality, vertically-oriented images for each of your blog posts. These images should be engaging and eye-catching, as they will be one of the first things people see when they come across your content on Pinterest. Have more then one image in your blog post so there is more to pin to Pinterest.

In addition to great images, your blog content needs to be well-written. It won't do any good to drive traffic to a site that is packed full of poorly written material.

Make sure your site is easy to navigate. Once you have the traffic incoming from Pinterest, you don't want to turn visitors off with a lot of ads and pop-ups.

Finally, be sure to optimize your website for mobile devices. More and more people are using their phones and tablets to access social media sites like Pinterest, so it’s important that your site is mobile-friendly. If people have trouble viewing your content on their mobile devices, they’re likely to give up and move on to something else.

By following these simple tips, you can make sure your blog is set up for success on Pinterest.

Why do bloggers often fail to get an increase in traffic on Pinterest?

There are a number of reasons why bloggers fail to get traffic from Pinterest. The most common reason is that they have not setup their blog correctly to take advantage of Pinterest. Here are some key tips on how to increase your blog readership through Pinterest:

1) Install the "Pin It" button on your blog so that readers can easily share your content on Pinterest.

2) Use rich media in your posts, such as images and infographics, as these are more likely to be shared on Pinterest.

Another reason blogs fail to get traffic is poor pinning strategy. If you are pinning your blog URLs too frequently or with poor pins, then they can trip the spam filters. Be sure you aren't pinning from the same URL more than every three days. You can keep track with a spreadsheet, which makes it easier as your blog grows.

Following these simple tips, you can dramatically increase the amount of traffic you get from Pinterest. So make sure to put them into practice and see the results for yourself!

How to increase your chance of Pinterest clickthrough success.

Reading blogs from Pinterest managers such as this one, watching videos and listening to podcasts are great free ways to up your Pinterest game. If you are still struggling with your account after three months of consistent pinning, then chances are you need to tweak your pinning strategy.

If your pins aren't being clicked on after three months, it's likely they need a bit of improvement either in the keyword descriptions or visual designs. The bottom line is to play around to see what is most appealing to the Pinterest audience. What pins have been getting attention? Why is that? Can you copy it on another pin?

Still stumped by Pinterest and its algorithms? Be sure to reach out and we can discuss options. Sometimes it's an easy fix, and other times it's a bit more involved. Finding the right methods that work for account may take time but it is well worth the effort. So don't give up! Let's chat!

For more on Pinterest best practices, pinning strategy, and more be sure to follow along with Blogatcha! Written by Pinterest Manager and mom, Amber Flinn.
