Jan 16, 20212 min

Lockdown on Learning: Free Courses

Whether you are just bored or want to see some new skills added to the old resume for future job hunting, it never hurts to learn. Continual learning is the way of the future and free learning is coming to you now with all the bells and whistles of College courses.

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Still tops in our books the MOOC, Coursera.org with over 277 social media marketing courses. Watch out for the ones that are part of the Plus package as they cost but there is still a lot of great free content to be had on social media marketing courses and other related courses.

Little known fact is Google offers an entirely free course line up on Google Analytics Academy. From Beginners to Power Users. A great thing about Google is they are looking toward the future and have also integrated a couple of programs with Coursera for IT learning, although they aren't currently free they do offer real life job skill learning.

eMarketing Institute has a significant lineup of online free courses from affiliate marketing to web analytics. If you are looking to delve into the world of SEO or email marketing this site has some great little options. Including free eBooks on said subjects.

From Berkeley University and edX comes a great free course about writing for social media.

You will learn how to assess your audience and write creatively to engage your readers.

There is a wide world of learning out there now that doesn't have to be limited to your budget. So while we are experiencing lockdown we can lockdown on learning.
