Aug 15, 20227 min

The Pinterest Pin How to Make a Beautiful Pin to Become the Highest Ranking Pinterest Pin.

You've seen beautiful, highly ranked pins on Pinterest and wondered how in the world they were made. Well, wonder no more! In this article, I'll walk you through the entire process of creating a stunning pin that is sure to get noticed both by viewers and by the Pinterest algorithm.

For more about creating a pin, read: Do's & Don'ts Of Pin Design That Are Often Ignored.

Learning How to Create a Solid Layout for Your Pin

One of the most important aspects of creating a high ranking Pinterest pin is having a well-designed layout. The layout of your pin will determine how eye-catching and visually appealing it is to users.

Here are some tips on how to create an effective layout for your Pinterest pin:

1. Use images that are high quality and visually appealing.

2. Avoid using fuzzy images or images that don't relate to the content of your page.
3. Make sure the text is easy to read and includes key information about your product or service.
Use colors that are complementary to each other and attract attention.
4. Keep the overall design of your pin clean and simple.
5. Avoid using too much text or cluttered images.

If you're new to layout design, most online editing programs have a wide variety of templates to choose from. All you have to do is drop your images in and change the text. That said, try researching what types of layouts are used most frequently in your niche before creating yours.

By following these tips, you can create a Pinterest pin that is both visually appealing and informative, helping you attract more users and achieve a higher ranking in search results.

What Colors to Use for Your Pin

When creating a Pinterest pin, it's important to consider what colors you will use. The colors you choose can have a big impact on how popular your pin is and how well it does in the Pinterest search rankings.

Branding your pins with your company's color palette is one way pinners go. But if the palette is dark, it's likely not going to fair as well as a lighter palette. Try using your company/brands' color palette one or two shades lighter instead.

Some colors are more eye-catching than others and can help your pin stand out in the crowded Pinterest feed. If you aren't sure of the colors, you can find a wide variety of color palettes already pinned on Pinterest. What one do you find alluring? Perhaps that's a good place to start.

The most important thing is to experiment and see what works best for your particular pin. There's no one perfect formula for creating a Pinterest pin color palette, so don't be afraid to experiment with different color schemes until you find one that works for you.

What is the right amount of text overlay?

If you want your Pinterest pins to be highly ranked, you need to make sure you have the right amount of text overlay. Too little and your pin won't be keyword rich; too much and it will look spammy. A good rule of thumb is to keep your text overlay to around 20–30% of the image.

Make sure the text you are using is keyworded, short, and to the point. Using too much text is a visual detractor.

What font pairings will work for your pin?

When it comes to creating a beautiful and eye-catching Pinterest pin, font pairing is everything. The right font combination can make your pin stand out from the rest and attract attention or make it fall flat.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing fonts for your pin. First, consider the overall look you are going for. Is your pin playful and fun? Elegant and sophisticated? Knowing the feeling you want to evoke will help you narrow down your font choices.

Once you have an idea of the overall aesthetic, it's time to start pairing fonts. A good way to be certain they pair well is to research if anyone else is using this combination. Alternatively you can find many font pairing boards on Pinterest that may help.

This contrast of using more than one font will give your pin visual interest and balance. From there, experiment with different combinations until you find a pairing that you love.

Don't be afraid to get creative with your font choices. Have fun and enjoy the process of finding the perfect fonts for your stunning Pinterest pin!

How to add a title to the pin file before uploading

Before you upload your pin to Pinterest, you need to add a title to the file. This will help ensure that your pin is understood by the Pinterest algorithm. This one little step is an often overlooked little Pinterest SEO tip that can really help in the long run.

To do this, in Canva (the program I prefer), simply add the title to the pin you are creating right above the image. Make your title or pin name keywords two or three words, which are generally enough.

Save the file and then upload it to Pinterest. That's it! Now your pin will be more likely to show up at the top of search results.

Why does adding the "pin it now" button help?

If you're looking to get your pins noticed and attract more followers, one of the best things you can do is add the "Pin It" button to your blog. This allows visitors to easily pin your images to their Pinterest boards, which helps spread the word about your blog.

In addition, adding the Pin It button makes it easier for people to find your pins when they're searching for specific topics on Pinterest. Don't forget to also add images that are the right pin ratio to your blog posts so they can be pinned.

Adding a keyword title to your pin

If you want your pin to rank highly on Pinterest, you need to make sure it is keyword rich. This means adding a keyword title to your pin when you schedule it. You can do this by adding the keyword to the beginning of your pin title, or by including it in the description. Either way, making sure your pin is keyword rich will help it rise to the top of the search results.

Another reason to put keywords first in your pin titles is for the reader. Remember, if the viewer can only see the first few words of your pin title, you want to consider that they need that bit of info to help understand what they are looking at.

Adding a full 500 character count pin description to your pin

Adding a full character count keyword pin description to your pin is one of the best ways to make sure it is seen by the Pinterest algorithm and gets ranked high in search results.

Here are some tips on how to write a great pin description:

1. Use keywords that describe your pin: This will help Pinterest understand what your pin is about and make it easier for people to find when they search.

2. Keep it under 500 characters: Your viewer may only read the first sentence or two of your descriptions, so be sure those are clear to read. You can add more keywords in after that. Don't just plug a whole bunch of random keywords into the description.

3. Make it creative: Be creative with your wording and try to stand out from the other pins in your niche. This will help you get noticed and make people want to click on your pin.

4. Use calls to action: Tell people what you want them to do once they read your description. For example, "click here to learn more" or "pin this now!"

5. Use emoji: A little bit of color and personality can go a long way! Adding an emoji or two (💗) can make your pin more eye-catching and help it stand out.

Post your pin at optimal times during the day.

If you want to make sure your pin is seen by the most people possible, you need to post it during times when users are most active on Pinterest. The best times to post are generally during the evening hours and on Fridays and Saturdays.

That doesn’t mean you should never post during weekdays—far from it! In fact, some studies have shown that pins posted during work hours (9am–5pm) actually perform better than those posted outside of work hours.

The bottom line is that you should experiment with different posting times to see what works best for you and your audience. There’s no hard and fast rule for when to post on Pinterest, so it’s important to test different times and see what gets the most engagement.

Posting your pin to the correct board/s

When you are creating a new pin, be sure to post it to the relevant board/s. The more targeted your audience is, the more likely your pin will be repinned and shared. You can also create new boards that are specifically for your pins. For example, if you are a travel blogger, you could create a board called "My Favorite Places to Visit" and post all of your travel-related pins there.

When you are posting to a board, if the board description does not match your pin, it's going to confuse the algorithm. So be sure baked cookies are being posted to a board about baked cookies or at least a baking board. If you post a baked cookie pin to a kitchen board just because you find cookies in a kitchen, Pinterest may overlook it.

Thinking you need to create a group board for your pins to get more views: How to Easily Make Pinterest Group Boards.

So there you have it. The best way to work that pin from start to finish. If you love the idea of having stellar pins but really don't have the time to work on them or to post them, be sure to reach out! We can discuss your goals in more detail.

If you would like to know more about upping your Pinterest game, be sure to read: 5 Amazing Pinterest Tips to Up Your Website Traffic.

For more on Pinterest best practices, pinning strategy, and business, be sure to follow along with Blogatcha! Written by Pinterest manager and mom, Amber Flinn. My goal is to help educate those interested in Pinterest, small business, entrepreneurship, and social media. I welcome guest submissions, so if you think you have a great idea for an article, please reach out!
